Title of work: Let Go.
Shot & Edited By: Devvyn Rhodes
This was a performance induced by personal anxieties that resulted in an exploration of the possibilities of different dimensions. I wanted to give an inanimate object- the scarf,  a life in order to demonstrate the  sense of binding between human beings and the world that they live in. By linking the unexpected and giving the scarf its own character, this performance became a demonstration of how we as beings tend to hold onto things and how those things eventually begin to consume us. It is a reflection of how it feels when you’re trapped and the only thing that sets you “free” is the one thing that sinks you deeper under the water of your subconscious and either keeps you alive or it doesn’t.

Title of work: Crossroads
Shot & Edited By: Devvyn Rhodes 
This performance was based upon a poem I had written in reflection to how I personally feel when stuck at the crossroads. These crossroads include  intersections of societal stigmas, personal identity, and cultural experiences I am challenged by everyday. It is a story of how one person does not have to fit into one box, and is not personally okay with just identifying within one box. To further explain, this box essentially is the boundaries of one's personal identity that is not given to them by themselves but is projected by other people's stigmas and stereotypes. By the end of the performance, my character essentially is a demonstration of how a person that can identify with these situations can try to wash away what they don’t want of themselves anymore, but eventually comes to the conclusion that this is something that can not just be washed away but needs to be fully embraced.

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